Dr Sundeep Uppal

Dr Sundeep Uppal

Dr Sundeep Uppal is a Ophthalmologist. Dr Sundeep Uppal practices in Vernon, BC. The doctor speaks fluent English. Dr Sundeep Uppal has 3,591 views and 7 reviews. According to 15 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 4.40 out of 5.
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  • Gender Male
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  • Address 200-3100 30 Ave, Vernon, BC, V1T 2C2

7 reviews of “Dr Sundeep Uppal”

    Mary Spruston

    18 May 2021

    Dr Uppal is a sensitive and kind specialist who puts me at ease every visit.

    Marleen R Baldwin

    22 May 2021

    Disappointed in this doctor…lucky to have had one minute with him, didnt like his attitude would not return to him .

    Bill J

    25 May 2021

    Clean and modern office with friendly staff. The doctor is very thorough and excellent. Very busy office with patients from all over the North Okanagan. Overall top notch experience.

    Robert conelley

    26 July 2021

    Dr did a fine job on my eye procedures July 23. Support staff were great talked kept me at ease. I highly recommend that clinic and Dr Uppla

    Brenda Fuhrer

    18 November 2021

    This doctor misdiagnosed me and because of his inability to do the right test I have lost peripheral vision in my eyes and can no longer drive, I have to depend on others to drive me anywhere. He told me I had a humongous floater when I actually had a brain tumour which was found a year later by another specialist. Don’t trust this doctor as he is a quack! I have had to go through two brain surgeries because of his inability to do a tracing test on my eyes.

    Gary Clark

    20 October 2022

    Just finished my appointment with Dr Uppal today . I had cataract surgery about 6 weeks ago and my left eye has felt like it has had a piece of grit scraping on my eyelid since then. Today I went h\to get it looked at . Dr Uppal checked and said there was nothing wrong. Clearly, my eye hurts since surgery , so there is something wrong . After some discussion Dr Uppal told me to live with it and use artificial tears . His arrogant and rudeness was over the top. I would rather go blind than ever go back to him.

    Vera Robison

    23 November 2023

    I’ve had Dr Uppal as my Dr for a few years now , i am very pleased with him , he just did my eye surgery and I am very thankful to him .Thank you so much .
    He’s always very kind , considerate and professional plus listens to all questions I’ve asked him. Excellent caring Dr.

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