Dr Susan Coombs

Dr Susan Coombs

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  • Gender Female
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  • Address 400 Walmer Road, East Tower, Suite 123, Toronto ON M5P 2X7

One review of “Dr Susan Coombs”

    Cherry Tabb

    14 January 2021

    Dr Susan Coombs is one of best Pediatricians in Toronto. Contentious, personable, compassionate. I only had one child, was high risk pregnancy (read older mother!). Dr Coombs is “old school experience” matches with savvy and compassionate approach to managing children’s health in digital age. My daughter is 20 now, and well out of range of her care. When speaking of “people we admired the most” at our dinner table tonight, my daughter cited Dr Coombs. That deserved a 5 star review, which wasn’t even a “thing” in 2012. Enough said!

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