Dr Tamryn Law is a General Internal Medicine Doctor (GIM), Cardiologist. Dr Tamryn Law practices at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto, ON. The doctor speaks fluent English. Dr Tamryn Law has 3,313 views and 1 review. According to 18 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 2.89 out of 5.
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  • Gender Female
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  • Practice name St. Michael's Hospital
  • Address St. Michael's Hospital, Room 6 - 030 Donnelly Wing, 30 Bond St, Toronto ON M5B 1W8
  • Practice name
  • Address Suite 1204, 13737 96 Ave, Surrey, BC, V3V 0C6

One review of “Dr Tamryn Law”


    11 January 2024

    My husband has been trying to work with this doctor (a referral from his GP) for months. He’s never encountered such a lack of professionalism and communication in a physician before. Today was the latest instance: he showed up for a scheduled stress test in order to complete his cardiology evaluation (a necessary step before receiving medication he needs). Dr. Law’s secretary wasn’t there when she was supposed to be, nor was Dr. Law. Other assistants at the office said that the stress tests are usually held in a different office (not there) and did he receive a confirmation email. No, he had not – he simply went to the appointment that had been scheduled. So…turns out he ended up wasting a whole morning because no one showed up, and he wasn’t on the schedule at the clinic that does the stress tests either. In previous instances, he’s tried to phone and the voicemail is full. No one ever picks up. They insist on documents being faxed to them and they won’t provide an email. The utter lack of professionalism is appalling, and we are so frustrated because this BS is stopping him from obtaining the medication he needs. Dr. Law needs to not be a doctor anymore.

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