Dr Thomas Zochowski

Dr Thomas Zochowski

Dr Thomas Zochowski is a Orthopedic Surgeon. Dr Thomas Zochowski practices in Oakville, ON. The doctor speaks fluent English. Dr Thomas Zochowski has 2,365 views and 8 reviews. According to 21 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 4.14 out of 5.
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  • Gender Male
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  • Address Suite 203, 3075 Hospital Gate, Oakville ON L6M 1M1

8 reviews of “Dr Thomas Zochowski”

    Deb Shuman

    16 June 2021

    Amazing experience. Full hip replacement. Absolutely no pain afterwards. Great surgeon. Post surgery was great too. Excellent bedside manner. Would definitely recommend him in a heart beat!!

    Ray Donaldson

    12 October 2021

    Had Dr Zachowski did. Knee scope on my left knee. He took the time to come a do all the pre op stuff himself. Explained what he was going to do. Amazing bed side manner. Was up and moving right away after the scope.would recommend him any time any place great doctor.

    Christine Ager-Smyth

    21 March 2022

    Dr. Zochowski did an amazing job on my hip surgery. I also participated in day surgery that went very well and all the staff were extremely helpful. He also did a full knee replacement and that surgery went well. I would recommend him to anyone looking at hip and knee surgery

    B Walker

    31 May 2022

    My hip replacement experience left me discouraged and disappointed Dr.Zochowski is quick to blame poor healing on your body and not his work. Anterior hip procedure resulting in pain, increased leg length and bulging hip. Dr. Zochowski had no answers and offered no 2nd opinion. Time was his answer. That’s great I would guess if your whole life isn’t impacted. Made my way to a Toronto facility resulting in revision surgery. As I suspected implant was too large. Nice man I am sure but no help or accountability when mistake made.

    Henry Ciszek

    25 November 2022

    I had a collarbone surgery because of a trauma caused by a bike accident on 09/11/2022, which was performed by a great Doctor Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr. T. Zochowski on 23/11/2022.
    Dr Zachowski and all the medical staff at the Oakville Hospital were more than great, they were all fantastic.

    A great degree of personal care, concern for my well being, super communication explaining to me the surgery process and the aftercare were simply excellent.

    I am so grateful to Dr. Zachowski and all the medical staff at the Oakville Hospital for the wonderful care I received.

    Thank you very much indeed.

    Mark M

    29 January 2023

    I had my Full Hip Replacement by Dr. T. Zochowski and his team in October 2022. This was the most amazing surgery Ive ever had and the after care is second to none. I give this Surgeon and his team a 10/10 Rating and highly recommend him to anyone wanting a Professional and proper surgery. Thank You A to Z Orthopaedics Oakville.

    Pawel Szmudrowski

    26 April 2023

    I am very happy with Dr. Thomas Zochowski, I had hip replacement surgery. I had a serious problem with my hip Dr. Zcochowski said that this case was one of the most severe, the operation was successfully and professionally done. After operation I was very good led by Dr. Thomas Zohowski and my recovery went very well without any problems or side effects. I am very very happy from the operation which was professionally done.
    Thank you very much for improving my life Dr. Thomas Zochowski.

    Sandra Fletcher

    8 February 2024

    I Had A Total Right Hip Replacement In Dec 2023 And Dr Zochowski And His Team Did A Awesome Job The Surgery Was A Success And Ready To Do My Left Hip In April Not Only Is He A Great Surgeon He Is A Hunk Too!! Lol
    I Recommend Him To Anyone Who Is In Need Of New Hips And Knees!!

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