Dr Trevor Seaton is a General Internal Medicine Doctor (GIM). Dr Trevor Seaton practices in Oakville, ON. The doctor speaks fluent English. Dr Trevor Seaton has 613 views and 2 reviews. According to 5 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 2.20 out of 5.
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  • Gender Male
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  • Address 2125 Wyecroft Road, Suite 4, Oakville ON L6L 5L7

2 reviews of “Dr Trevor Seaton”


    14 September 2021

    The worst doctor I have ever experienced (and I grew up in a medical family, so have always been around medical professionals all my life). He started off by not listening. He was then very rough and angry in his physical work. Subsequent telephone appointment seemed fine – he was polite – but what he said on phone was then different to the report that he sent to my family doctor. I have seen this report, there he claims I had a bad attitude. Elsewhere, on other websites, you can see many reviews for this doctor. There are plenty of 1 star reviews + some that are 5 stars- check them out. So, at best, he is inconsistent.


    15 May 2023

    Rude arrogant Doctor the clinic on Wyecroft was the Seaton Clinic still same people same clinic with a different but same as before terrible!

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