Dr Usman Moghal

Dr Usman Moghal

Dr Usman Moghal is a Neurologist. Dr Usman Moghal practices in Newmarket, ON. The doctor speaks fluent English, Panjabi/Punjabi, Urdu. Dr Usman Moghal has 955 views and 1 review. According to 4 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 1.75 out of 5.
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  • Gender Male
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  • Practice name
  • Address Southlake Regional Health Center, 596 Davis Drive, Newmarket ON L3Y 2P9, Canada

One review of “Dr Usman Moghal”

    azita assadi

    6 November 2020

    My Mother got visited by this specialist in south lake clinic. He was not able to come up with proper diagnosis.
    My mother had dysarthria due to pressure of subdural hematoma and he called it TIA ( transient ischemic attack) . Later on the CT scan of my mother showed thickening of dura mater due to operation but this specialist told us it was layer of blood . This was very frightening for us. However after getting the report from radiologist we realized that it was just thickening of dura mater.

    If you are looking for proper diagnosis , you need to go for more knowledgable specialist.

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