Dr Vallari Majmudar

Dr Vallari Majmudar

Punctuality Detail-oriented Professionalism Polite and caring Tolerance Quality medical care Professional team Recommend
Dr Vallari Majmudar is a Dermatologist. Dr Vallari Majmudar practices in Windsor, ON. The doctor speaks fluent English. Dr Vallari Majmudar has 709 views and 1 review. According to 0 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 0.00 out of 5.
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  • Gender Female
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  • Address Suite 300, 2224 Walker Road, Windsor ON N8W 5L7

One review of “Dr Vallari Majmudar”

    Satisfied Client

    8 June 2024
    Punctuality - Yes
    Detail-oriented - Yes
    Professionalism - Yes
    Polite and caring - Yes
    Discrimination - No
    Quality medical care - Yes
    Professional team - Yes
    Recommend - Yes
    I find the page useful - Yes

    I would highly recommend this doctor. I didn’t wait long for an appointment. Have seen her 3 times & was taken in at once. After the first visit for a consultation I was booked the very next day for removal. There was no scarring & I was seen promptly for removal of stitches with no scarring. Everything was explained to me & I was examined all over , which was nice. I was not rushed & asked if there were any questions. Provided with both verbal & written post-op instructions. At 6 month was prescribed a cream to be used 1 month after spraying to destroy further lesions. along with very detailed verbal &written instructions. Another return visit in 6 months. The staff are wonderful….extremely friendly, competent, happy & efficient.
    She also is very courteous, friendly & professional.

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