Dr Zulfiqar Ali Butt

Dr Zulfiqar Ali Butt

Dr Zulfiqar Ali Butt is a Urologist. Dr Zulfiqar Ali Butt practices in Pembroke, ON and Hopital Notre Dam Hospital in Hearst, ON. The doctor speaks fluent English, Panjabi/Punjabi, Pashto. Dr Zulfiqar Ali Butt has 2,093 views and 4 reviews. According to 7 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 4.71 out of 5.
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  • Gender Male
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  • Practice name
  • Address 308-201 Deacon St, Pembroke ON K8A 2J6
  • Practice name Hopital Notre Dam Hospital
  • Address Hopital Notre Dam Hospital, 1405 Edward Street, Hearst ON P0L 1N0, Canada

4 reviews of “Dr Zulfiqar Ali Butt”

    Joseph Spadafore

    11 March 2021

    Doctor Zulfiqar Ali Butt saved my life in Sault Ste Marie Ontario at the Sailt Area Hospital last month on the 23rd of Febuary 2021 in the Uroligy Clinic when I incountered a Massave Acute Kidney and Beyond Infection the almost did or was in process of taking my Life!! This man whom I cant Thank enough Sprung into action when I was admitted to Sault Ste.Marie Hosptal pulled out all the Stops to totally Flush me out of tje poison that was infecting me and shutting my body dowm for Death.This was a Scarey Situation tjat I wouldnt want tp encounter again.This Great Mam Daved my Life and Couldnt Thank him Enough for his Lige Dsving Procédure on me that day..My Heart goes out to you Doctor Zulfiqar Ali Butt for Saving Me.😀😀😀 Hope to meet you inperson someday. My God Bless this Wounderful Man.From Joseph Spadafore in Dault Ste. Marie Ontario.

    Joseph Spadafore

    18 April 2021

    Thanks for Saving my life in Sault Marie SAH on February 20th of this year.I had Sepsis Shock.

    Agnieszka budzyk

    24 November 2021

    I went to see Dr Butt today and he is amazing, for the first time in 2 years I felt like a person and not an ohip swipe. He is got great personality, listens and is incredibly smart. I wish we had more doctors like this but finally I have found hope.
    Thank you for being truly the best doctor I have ever met

    Brad Krolouski

    12 January 2022

    I am a patient of Dr. Butt and would like to ask him a question on my health yet cannot get thru to his office as there is no way to leave a message. I am happy to receive a telephone call when he is available.

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