Dr Andrew Jakubowski is a Cardiologist, General Internal Medicine Doctor (GIM). Dr Andrew Jakubowski practices in Richmond, BC. The doctor speaks fluent English, Polish. Dr Andrew Jakubowski has 380 views and 2 reviews. According to 1 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 5.00 out of 5.
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  • Gender Male
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  • Address Richmond Cardiology, 750-6091 Gilbert Rd, Richmond, BC, V7C 5L9

2 reviews of “Dr Andrew Jakubowski”

    Darek J

    1 February 2021

    Knowledge with interpersonal skills.

    L. Block

    14 March 2021

    A phone call to Dr. J’s office put me in a halter monitor within an hour due to my symptoms. Nothing conclusive showed. My GP sent over an urgent referral soon after and the next day Dr. J. called me and after hearing what was going on told me in no uncertain terms to get into hospital immediately. I spent one night in emergency and then into a room the next day and due to the decision of the hospital internist’s following Dr. J’s advice was at Royal Columbia the next afternoon for a angiogram. I had three stents put in and was home the next day feeling like a new person. Dr J’s insistence and no nonsense attitude I believe saved me from a heart attack. He has been my cardiologist for over 20 years and I have always had full confidence in his ability and his direct manner. Grateful for the future I have been given.

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