Dr Robert Notkin

Dr Robert Notkin


Dr Robert Notkin is a Psychiatrist has a practice in North York, ON. This page has been created for the doctor's patients or those who want to become patients. Here you can share your feedback and thoughts about your experience with the doctor.

  • Language English
  • Gender Male
  • Practice name
  • Address 4711 Yonge St, North York ON M2N 6K8

2 reviews of “Dr Robert Notkin”

    Marina P

    27 December 2022

    I was recommended Dr. Notkin by my GP when seeking answers and support for my mental health. I’d like to thank Dr. Notkin, as my experience with him was so bad that I took it upon myself to find people who would actually help me. The entire 4-hour process felt like I was under interrogation, during which I was repeatedly disrespected. He constantly interrupted me while explaining my experiences, claiming it was because he was trying to help me and I was going on too long. He dismissed any of my inquiries regarding ADHD, invalidating my personal experience and told me I could not possibly have it due to my behaviours as a child. When I was unable to clearly articulate a specific example of issues I had been having with individuals in my life, he completely gaslit me saying that because I didn’t have any “proof” I was imagining these issues as a result of my social anxiety. I do not think this man should be practicing psychiatry in 2022 until he updates his current methods and learns to listen to and respect all people, especially women. His job is to help people, but the only thing he seems to be helping is his own inflated ego.

    San W.

    30 August 2023

    My daughter had got diagnosed by the school board 3 types of disorders including ADHD. This doctor, at the intake zoom meeting, interrogated me why the ADHD medicine was taken, why it was prescribed, and why it was diagnosed without any history of symptoms in childhood. Of course I couldn’t explain clearly (I am not a doctor, nor psychologist nor I shopped diagnoses) and struggled to articulate my thought. He yelled that I am talking too long and I am not understanding his English(I am a medical interpreter for your info) and got after me to answer yes or no. I answered yes, barely making a voice. Then he says, he cannot hear me and get closer to the computer… I felt abused and had a nightmare on that night. I do not understand he did this only to me or why he does this to anyone.

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