Dr Terrance Hughes is a Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation Specialist. Dr Terrance Hughes practices at The Spine Centre in London, ON. The doctor speaks fluent English. Dr Terrance Hughes has 651 views and 2 reviews. According to 1 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 5.00 out of 5.
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  • Practice name The Spine Centre
  • Address The Spine Centre, 302 - 1055 Fanshawe Park Rd, London ON N6G 0W7

2 reviews of “Dr Terrance Hughes”

    Kathy Van Bommel

    10 August 2021

    I went to this doctor for lower pain in my back. I have a disability call Klippel Feil syndrome which is part of my spine and he didn’t even know what it is. How can a spine doctor not know what a spine disorder is. I am not happy with him but as usual there is nothing I can do about. Just beware that they don’t even look at your chart or try to find out your issue before you go in.


    30 March 2023

    I have been receiving treatments from Dr.Huges for my spinal stenosis for over a year now. Dr Terrance Huges takes the time to listen to any of your concerns , he’s a very kind caring doctor and I would highly recommend him! THANK YOU Dr.Huges!

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