Dr Adam McClure is a Family Doctor, GP, Emergency Physician. Dr Adam McClure practices at Muskoka Algonquin Health Care in Huntsville, ON. The doctor speaks fluent English. Dr Adam McClure has 368 views and 2 reviews. According to 3 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 2.67 out of 5.
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  • Gender Male
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  • Practice name Muskoka Algonquin Health Care
  • Address Muskoka Algonquin Health Care, Huntsville Hospital, 100 Frank Miller Road, Huntsville ON P1H 1H7
  • Practice name
  • Address Suite 104, 348 Muskoka Rd 3 N, Huntsville ON P1H1X8, Canada

2 reviews of “Dr Adam McClure”


    17 April 2022

    From my personal experience, Dr. McClure is incompetent, ignorant, and very arrogant. In short: his treatment is “Trial and Error”, “Russian Roulette”. I had to deal with him on serious issues twice. Infection had developed in my abdomen as a side effect of a surgery. I went to Huntsville ER where Mclure saw me. The facts: 1) it was my second ER visit with the same symptoms (1st was 1 week earlier and dr. Love’s treatment was “Go home, take Tylenol”), 2) post-surgery CAT scan showed a pool of fluid in my abdomen (which always has a chance of infection) was ignored. He just didn’t want to hear me. His treatment was: “Go home, take Tylenol”. I had to look for help in Orillia’s ER where I was quickly hospitalized for 4 days, and 2 cups of infected fluid was drained. I was told that I was one step away from dying of infection. When I met with him later and told him about this, he just shrugged like he was indifferent! Second time he saw my wife in ER. She had a terrible cough. X-ray was done. His diagnosis was pneumonia. I pointed out that she didn’t have a fever. He said: “It’s atypical pneumonia”. I asked if it could be cancer. His answer was “Yes, but I don’t think so”. No attempt to do any objective tests to confirm his “thought” was made. He was wrong again. It was gastric cancer that spread into my wife’s lungs. We lost one precious month by taking useless antibiotics that damaged her stomach even more, before her cancer treatment started. It was too late. Keep all this in mind if you are unlucky to have this “doctor”. You might pay the highest price for his ineptitude.

    Andrew Sefton

    20 April 2022

    I was unfortunate enough to have Dr. McClure as my wife’s physician at the Huntsville hospital when he was a resident there. We told the triage nurse that at onset in the morning, my wife was experiencing chest pain, left arm pain, shortness of breath, nausea and vomiting. Dr. McClure diagnosed her as having an infection, no cardiac tests were done because according to Dr. McClure, the hospital had a policy of not doing ecg testing on people under forty. Later that evening after hours of the wrong treatment, Dr. McClure told us to go home and for my wife to rest. I told him that she was no better, she was still experiencing the same symptoms from the morning. When she complained about her chest pain he completely dismissed her and administered a stronger medicine used to treat nausea in chemo therapy patients. My wife died in his care the next morning after a nurse gave her a sleeping pill because she was restless and uncomfortable. Dr. McClure’s incompetence is only overshadowed by his arrogance and contempt for his patients. Dr. McClure is in my opinion a murderer, I say this because he has lied to every professional college that supposedly investigated this wrongful death. He is currently named in a lawsuit filed by myself and members of my wife’s family. If you ever have the misfortune of having Dr. McClure provide care, you should demand a different doctor.

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