Dr Anthony Bryson

Dr Anthony Bryson

Dr Anthony Bryson is a Emergency Physician. Dr Anthony Bryson practices in New Westminster, BC. The doctor speaks fluent English. Dr Anthony Bryson has 481 views and 7 reviews. According to 7 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 2.43 out of 5.
  • Language
  • Gender Male
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  • Practice name
  • Address Royal Columbian Hospital Emergency Department, 330 Columbia St E, New Westminster, BC, V3L 3W7
  • Practice name
  • Address UBC Faculty of Medicine, 2775 Laurel St, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 1M9

7 reviews of “Dr Anthony Bryson”

    Jennessa Gurney

    10 September 2021

    Dr anthony bryson is a horrible doctor. He’s hostile, judgmental and unpleasant to deal with. I hope he reads my review and never forgets me, I hope I never have him at ERH or any hospital ever again.
    Anyway, I went in for a foot injury, mind you I have 20 plus years of documented chronic pain. I told the amazing dr bryson, after sitting down for 10 minutes at home, I felt a sharp pain, my foot started to swell and I couldn’t walk. When he examined my foot, he touched it twice, I asked if I could show him how difficult it was for me to walk, he declined my offer. He asked if I’ve ever used naproxen and volteran, I said yes. After that he stood up and he stepped back, in a loud voice he announced “I was there to seek opioids. I told him to look at my hospital records, what he was saying is untrue. He told me he thought I was faking my injury and he thought I injured myself, I told that was also untrue, he refused to look at my history and walked away. I was there for pain relief not “seeking” opioids.
    Even if I was an addict I didn’t deserve to be treated the way he treated me, I deserved to be treated with dignity and respect as does every hospital patient.
    It was insulting totally out of line and very unprofessional of him.

    Lest I forget to mention the high rate of addiction between doctors and nurses, stealing from patients and hospital pharmacies.

    I know hospital administration, Fraser health, and SOME doctors and nurses dont give an eff about patients making complaints, they only care about protecting themselves

    *I can only hope to one day run into him at some fancy pretentious overpriced restaurant like Earls, Gotham Steakhouse or the boathouse to embarrass him infront of family, friends and complete strangers*

    I DO NOT RECOMMEND dR anthony bryson. Ask for another Dr.


    7 November 2021

    Terrible bedside manner; condescending and dismissive. Failed to do listen to any concerns and thinks he knows it all. Heard him making fun of patients in the hallway. Spent 30 seconds and walked out the door. Would never recommend.


    4 October 2022

    This doctor is the worst, he disrespected my wife insinuating she was there -ER at Columbia – just to get a few days out of work, while my wife was in a lot of pain from something he wasn’t even able to diagnose.

    Siera Gallagher

    29 April 2023

    Horrible… absolutely horrible. Does not communicate. Does not direct nurses effectively… to the point where patients are at risk. Anthony has no humanity, personality or connection to his patients. Worst doctor I have encountered. I was bleeding to death scheduled for surgery, which he failed to tell nurses who repeatedly tried to discharge me. While I had no physical medical card on me, I still had coverage. This doctor has sent me to collections, yet did NOTHING FOR ME. I hope he had to go the ER AND BE TREATED AS AN ANIMAL AS HE TREATS HIS PATIENTS. You see him, ask for someone else, someone better. Lowest form of human alive.


    22 February 2024

    Terrible!! I truly feel that this doctor got his degree from a cracker Jack box. He is condescending and gaslighting. Total arrogance and a real piece of work. Do yourself a favor and avoid this doctor at all costs.


    22 February 2024

    Wow!! I wish I had something good to say about this doctor, but he is such a piece of work. Do as everybody else on this website has suggested and get another doctor. Dr Bryson Is pathetic and exactly what you pay for when Healthcare is free. Do not recommend

    anne champagne

    16 July 2024
    Detail-oriented - No
    Professionalism - No
    Polite and caring - No
    Discrimination - No
    Quality medical care - No
    Professional team - No
    Recommend - No
    I find the page useful - Yes

    If this is the doctor that looked after me today at RCH emergency, (no picture to confirm) he was the worst physician i have encountered at this hospital in over 60 years. I told him i had arthritis in my hip but my groin and pelvic area were in excruciating pain and I did not know if it was now sciatica or hip and I wanted to know. I had recently fallen on my back and did not know if this fall had added to my discomfort. I told him i had pain above and below the knee on the same leg. His examination was to bend one knee. Nothing else. When the x-rays came back, he told me they were all good. I’m like “what????” Then he says I had arthritis. I am thinking ‘Duh, I told you that when i got here’. I said I wanted to know if it was sciatic or hip. He said “well its like tylenol vs advil”. He wore no name tag and I only heard his name when he was speaking to another patient. I said “that’s acetaminophen vs ibuprofen (truthfully not the same at all) and he responded with “acetominophen is tylenol”. Gee thanks. I only spent 25 years in pharmacy but glad you could clarify. And then says, if you want to know which, you need an MRI and that will take 9 months. Call your GP.

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