
Dr Emily Walker is a Obstetrician, Gynecologist, Maternal Fetal Medicine Doctor has a practice at Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus in Ottawa, ON. This page has been created for the doctor's patients or those who want to become patients. Here you can share your feedback and thoughts about your experience with the doctor.

  • Language English French
  • Gender Female
  • Practice name Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus
  • Address Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus, Department of Obstetrics, and Gynecology, 1053 Carling avenue, Ottawa ON K1Y 4E9
  • Practice name
  • Address 152 Cleopatra drive, suite 101, Ottawa ON K2G 5X2, Canada

One review of “Dr Emily Walker”

    C. W.

    21 April 2022

    She was absolutely horrid during my miscarriage. She laughed outside the room where I could hear her saying “she is concerned for not seeing anything on the ultrasound but there is nothing to see.” I never even said I was… LAUGHING loudly then walked in my room. Asking why I had even gotten care this early.. (I had severe nauses and needed a prescription) she belittled me for it and then went on to say that I’m likely experiencing a miscarriage but need more blood work to confirm. Was cold and rude. Then she calls me to tell me my numbers dropped with the next blood draw and I’ll be miscarrying. No “I’m sorry” no sincerity or empathy in her voice. This was a wanted and planned pregnancy. This was the death of MY baby and if this was a stillborn or a child or a grandma… she would, I’m sure, be more compassionate. She then calls me today… to tell me “your levels are at 0, so this should be done now and you should get a period in 2-6 weeks” … “be done soon” and again, no offer of sympathy that I just spent the last week mourning a baby I wanted so very badly. She may be a good doctor if you’re having a healthy baby but part of this job is bedside manner and sympathizing with women who lose their babies, no matter how early. She owes me an apology and I told her how unprofessional and unkind she was and that going forward she should be better at being sympathetic and perhaps not laugh about patients where they can hear her (and everyone else in the waiting room can hear the patient’s information) my medical information is legally not suppose to be discussed like that in the open and certainly not with a RECEPTIONIST. It is not her right or her business to know. She made a very difficult time… so much worse. I am still angry when I think about it. The phone call today made it worse. If you have even a small chance of miscarriage, stay away from this doctor. She shouldn’t be in this field if she cannot diffrentiate when a pregnancy is medically just a cluster of cells and when she should be speaking to her patients as if it was their baby – because it was.

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