Dr Jossie Cosentino

Dr Jossie Cosentino

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  • Gender Female
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  • Address 21 Sylvan St, Lake of The Woods District Hospital, General Surgery, 4th Floor, Kenora ON P9N 3W7

One review of “Dr Jossie Cosentino”

    Ronald James Brown

    2 September 2022

    I met Dr Josie Cosentino in late December 2020 at the Brockville General Hospital. She diagnosed a cancerous skin growth that previous doctors has dismissed as nothing to be concerned about. She was warm and friendly, making me feel comfortable. She ordered X-rays and MRI, and took a biopsy sample that confirmed her diagnosis. She scheduled the surgery for early March 2021. It was relaxed yet professional in the operating theatre and during follow-up consultations. Despite being in the midst of a pandemic I always felt that I was respected and liked by Dr Cosentino and her staff.

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