Dr Kevin Haley

Dr Kevin Haley

Punctuality Detail-oriented Professionalism Polite and caring Tolerance Quality medical care Professional team Recommend
Dr Kevin Haley is a Family Doctor, GP. Dr Kevin Haley practices in Calgary, AB. The doctor speaks fluent English. Dr Kevin Haley has 432 views and 2 reviews. According to 3 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 5.00 out of 5.
  • Language
  • Gender Male
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  • Practice name
  • Address 1403 29 St NW, FMC, C231 Emergency Department, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2N 2T9
  • Practice name
  • Address North Island Hospital Comox Valley - ER, 101 Lerwick Rd, Courtenay, BC, V9N 0B9, Canada

2 reviews of “Dr Kevin Haley”

    Daryl Sedor

    15 March 2023

    Dr Haley has an awesome bedside manner. Bends to your level to talk with you. A true gentleman and Dr thaat we could relate to. Spoke in terms we understood and not Dr terms.


    24 August 2024
    Punctuality - Yes
    Detail-oriented - Yes
    Professionalism - Yes
    Polite and caring - Yes
    Discrimination - No
    Quality medical care - Yes
    Professional team - Yes
    Recommend - Yes
    I find the page useful - Yes

    dr. haley is so gorgeous, that if he were the last thing i saw before death…i would be okay with it. actually, i wish i looked like him. life is very unfair. tens across the board mama.

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