Dr Margarita Gitev

Dr Margarita Gitev


Dr Margarita Gitev is a Psychiatrist has a practice in Toronto, ON. This page has been created for the doctor's patients or those who want to become patients. Here you can share your feedback and thoughts about your experience with the doctor.

  • Language Bulgarian English
  • Gender Female
  • Practice name
  • Address Suite 503, 600 Sherbourne Street, Toronto ON M4X 1W4

One review of “Dr Margarita Gitev”


    19 February 2024

    Dr. Margarita Gitev was my family’s psychiatrist for four years, and this prompted me to share the following with the public,

    My family was not referred to her, as is the rule, but since she knew me from before one night, she called me to go to her office to “help.”

    I went and from the next day she started calling us every day if we refused for any reason, she would get angry, threatening to kick us out as we only complained but we hadn’t invited her for anything good. I explained to her that I didn’t have a steady job at the time, the stress intensity was high, and that we weren’t going to be best friends then.

    The harassment increased day by day, she started calling us mentally ill and making us take strong drugs. When at one point I pulled away because of insults, she lashed out at the young family members saying, “Stay away, I want to medicate her/him, she/he is mentally ill” Then it was like my world ended, while the experts, who I advised in time, said this was not true.

    Her work and home phone are the same, there is no office manager or secretary in her office, and this gives her the freedom to call us every day, which is a serious violation of our privacy. It got to the point where in 2015 she was stopped from contacting my family.

    The worst came later, regardless, she was no longer our psychiatrist, she continued to leave me voicemails like “Call me, I won’t tell anyone.”

    If she could not reach the elder of the family, she attracted the young members of the family and secretly initiated communication with them, fanatically introducing and imposing her religion on them, something she avoided during regular treatments and in front of older family members and mainly manipulative questioning of relationships with older family members, severing relationships.

    That time was the most horrible period of my life

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