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Practice in Toronto, ON
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- Address Suite 302, 110 Eglinton Avenue West, Toronto ON M4R 1A3
- City Toronto, ON
- Province Ontario
Practice in Collingwood, ON
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- Address 459 Hume Street, Collingwood ON L9Y 1W9, Canada
- City Collingwood, ON
- Province Ontario
• 10 July 20242
(IME). Subsequently, the Committee approved the Registrar’s appointment of investigators to review Dr.
Bail’s practice. Dr. Bail expressed regret that he has been seen as an advocate in the courts. He
maintained he never intended to act as “judge and jury” [with respect to the individuals he evaluated].
3. Committee Process A Mental Health Panel of the Committee, consisting of public and physician
members, met to review the relevant records and documents related to the complaint. The Committee
always has before it applicable legislation and regulations, along with policies that the College has
developed, which reflect the College’s professional expectations for physicians practising in Ontario.
Current versions of these documents are available on the College’s website at http://www.cpso.on.ca, under
the heading “Policies & Publications.”
4. Committee’s Analysis The Committee reviewed several judgments from court cases in which Dr. Bail
had either served as an expert witness or had been proposed as an expert. Commentary by judges in the
judgments reviewed raised significant concerns about Dr. Bail’s bias on behalf of the insurance
companies who retained him to conduct IMEs and then testify in court. The Committee also reviewed an
IME report by Dr. Bail that was notable for its advocacy of the insurance company, and neither fair nor