- Gender Female
About Dr Tara Somerville
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Practice in Waterloo, ON
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- Address 55 Northfield Dr E, Suite 166, Waterloo ON N2K 3T6
- City Waterloo, ON
- Province Ontario
William Jeffery Dowling
• 17 March 2022A number of years ago, our Family physician asked if we consider moving to a Doctor who was returning to our area after being out west for a number of years.. I hesitantly agreed, with a promise of a return to his practice option, if it didn’t work out?.. Although Dr Marriot is a fantastic General practitioner, it was the best health care decision we could have made! Since moving our lives have changed into something unrecognizable. Single Dad with 3 daughters and injured – off work.. Dr. Somerville took our hands and was a huge part of navigating the lives we were gifted! I don’t know if her maternal instincts were “the” factor with my 3 daughters? But all 3 think sunshine originates from Tara..
And as for myself, the profound changes I’ve endured have been made Doable, by the caring person who is our Doctor!