Dr James Mathers

Dr James Mathers

Dr James Mathers is a Neurologist. Dr James Mathers practices at Ponderosa Primary Care Centre in Penticton, BC. The doctor speaks fluent English. Dr James Mathers has 2,582 views and 6 reviews. According to 10 users, the doctor`s rating on the site is 3.80 out of 5.
  • Phone 236-422- 3557 ext 109
  • Language
  • Gender Male
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  • Practice name Ponderosa Primary Care Centre
  • Address Ponderosa Primary Care Centre Suite 110-2504 Skaha Lake Rd. Penticton BC V2A 6G1

6 reviews of “Dr James Mathers”

    Patricia Lutz

    19 May 2022

    Amazing bedside manner. Made me feel very at ease when I was scared. Called me personally with MRI results as soon as he got them, which I immensely appreciated.

    Loretta Scott

    25 October 2022

    Great Doctor, very kind and reassuring.

    Loretta Scott

    21 November 2022

    I love Dr Mathers, he is kind and soft spoken and really cares about his patients. He is a great Dr who diagnosed me and started treatment right away, Now 4 months later I am doing well.

    Dave Pearson

    6 January 2023

    Dr Mathers saved my life
    He was clear and quick about the drug I needed after suffering a stroke
    Amen 🙏 it worked a miracle
    His follow up ect was good

    Dorothy Haagen

    5 February 2023

    I am so disappointed with Dr. Mathers. I was referred to him almost 2 years ago and still waiting to see him. My neuropathy is getting worse all the time and I would sure like to have a chat one on one with him.

    Hellen den Ouden

    27 November 2023

    Mr. Mathers is an amazing Doctor.
    He has a beautiful bed side manner and is so soft spoken!
    He certainly helped me with my terrible headaches.
    Thank you!

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